Travel Photographer, Videographer, and Blogger
Sarah Marie Travel


The United States is my home and although there are American ideologies I STRONGLY oppose, this country holds a very special place in my heart.
In my travels, I have been the most surprised by international misconceptions on the size of the United States -- especially in conversations with Europeans! You could spend days driving across the land here and still be in the same state! With that said, there are countless adventures, activities, and regions to explore here in the U.S. I have lived the majority of my life in Colorado, and so I have the most to say about that state, but I am currently living in Oregon and have traveled to 20 U.S. states in total to date, 14 of which I was old enough to remember.

Here are some of my top reasons why you should visit:
1. EXTREMELY rich diversity in activities.
2. Natural landscapes incomparable to other regions.
3. A wide variety of cuisine and gastronomy to indulge in.
4. Awe-striking and adrenaline-inducing outdoor activities.
5. An abundance micro-cultures to experience.
6. Safe for female travelers -- with caution of course!
7. Navigation is simple given widespread English use.