Travel Photographer, Videographer, and Blogger
Sarah Marie Travel


The Caribbean is simply a dream. Unlike many of my European excursions and solo travel that are full of adventure, the Caribbean is a different pace.
spent various summers galivanting the region with friends and solo traveling. Out of the 26 countries I have been to, 18 of them were in Europe. Ironically, the smallest country in the world -- the Vatican City -- resides within Italy's borders and is the 18th country on my growing list! There are still so many more countries I wish to visit, specifically the Scandinavian regions and northeastern Europe.

Here are some of my top reasons why you should visit:
1. You can easily travel between different cities and countries.
2. Rich diversity in activities and attractions.
3. Countless historic sites that will bring you back in time.
4. Awe-striking nature and outdoor activities.
5. An abundance of cultures and languages.
6. Easy to solo travel and safe for female travelers.
7. Navigation is simple given widespread English use.